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News Archive

29.09.2016 SILVA 128 released

SILVA 128 released! Highlights: Improved taxonomy and Seed, updated LTP, SILVA Treeviewer online, UniEUK project launched and much more...

15.09.2016 SILVA training course: From Primer to Paper

From Primer to Paper: Training in Biodiversity Analysis using NGS Amplicon Data - Application now open. Please follow the link for more information on the course content, registration, and payment.

11.09.2016 Sneak Preview: SILVA release 128

The first statistics for SILVA release 128. The SILVA 128 release can be expected for October 2016.

01.09.2016 SILVA/SILVAngs Job Opening

You are interested to work on an internationally renowned project outside of the classical computer science tasks? We are looking for a Web-developer or Programmer with Ideas, Expertise and Motivation to support the SILVA team.