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SINA for local installation

SINA is now an open source project.

The source code is availale at Opens external link in new windowGitHub.

Binaries will follow, in the meantime you can find the latest binaries below.


Pruesse, E, Peplies, J and Glöckner, FO (2012) SINA: accurate high-throughput multiple sequence alignment of ribosomal RNA genes. Opens external link in new windowBioinformatics, 28, 1823-1829

SINA stand-alone binaries

SINA v1.2.11:

Centos 5.8: Initiates file download64-bit
Ubuntu 12.04: Initiates file download64-bit Initiates file download32-bit
Ubuntu 10.04: Initiates file download64-bit Initiates file download32-bit
Manual: Initiates file downloadPDF

The binaries compiled for Centos 5.8 should work on most Linux distributions.

Further versions are available at the Opens external link in new windowArchive.